Pre-recording defines how many seconds of video you want to include in the triggered event prior to the
time the trigger occurred. Post-recording defines how many seconds of video you want to include in the triggered
event after the time the trigger occurred.
For the above example, if the sensor got triggered at 12:00:00, the event would include 30 seconds of
video before the trigger and 30 seconds after the trigger, from 11:59:30 to 12:00:30 creating a marked event
containing 60 seconds of video. Values can be from 1 second to 600 seconds (10 minutes).
GPS information is also available on the mDVR514M provided you have the GPS option which includes a
GPS antenna that connects to the mDVR514M and is installed on the vehicle. GPS data is recorded on the storage
media as well as embedded into the video stream. Place a check mark in the box to display and record the vehicle
GPS speed in the video stream. Speed can be displayed in “mph” or “km/h”. If this option is not enabled, GPS data
is still recorded in a log file on the video storage media.
MiniTRACK is a software application, combining recorded GPS data with GIS mapping to allow you to
monitor vital vehicle information. Track Stopping, Idling and speeding occurrences; Create custom reports; Export
data to other software for review and analysis. MiniTRACK not only helps reconstruct disputes and incidents, but
can also provide valuable information to improve your fleet management strategies.
VideoTRACK builds on the features of MiniTRACK allowing you to visually manage recorded video that’s
been synchronized with GPS data, enabling you to not only know, but also see exactly what happened where, and
at precisely what time.
Contact your dealer for further information on these products.
Place a check mark in this box to display and record the vehicle GPS coordinates in the video stream.
Coordinates are displayed as longitude and latitude values. If this option is not enabled, GPS coordinates are still
recorded in a log file on the video storage media