1. Unwrap the arm cuff, leaving the end of the cuff through the
D-ring of the cuff.
2. Put your left arm through the cuff loop. The color strip indica-
tion should be positioned closer to you with the tube point-
ing in the direction of your arm (Fig.
). Turn your left palm
upward and place the edge of the arm cuff at approximately
1.5 to 2.5 cm above the inner side of the elbow joint (Fig.
Tighten the cuff by pulling the end of the cuff.
3. Center the tube over the middle of the arm. Press the hook
and loop material together securely. Allow room for 2 fingers
to fit between the cuff and your arm. Position the artery mark
(Ø) over the main artery (on the inside of your arm) (Fig.
). Note: Locate the main artery by pressing with 2 fingers
approximately 2 cm above the bend of your elbow on the in-
side of your left arm. Identify where the pulse can be felt the
strongest. This is your main artery.
4. Plug in the cuff connecting tube into the unit (Fig.
5. Lay your arm on a table (palm upward) so the cuff is at the
same height as your heart. Make sure the tube is not kinked
6. This cuff is suitable for your use if the arrow falls within the
solid color line as shown on the right (Fig.
). If the arrow
falls outside the solid color line, you will need a cuff with other
circumferences. Contact your local dealer for additional size