2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a.s., www.2n.cz
Figure 3.31:
"Point-to-Point" Arrangement
If you use a PBX, the terminal points must know the PBX address only. The PBX is able
to route requests according to information acquired in the process of telephone login to
the PBX. With the "Point-to-Point" arrangement, all telephones must be equipped with
information on surrounding telephones. This model is mostly applied in direct calling
via the Internet where you do not want or cannot use services of any telecom provider.
gateway is capable of working in
2N OfficeRoute/2N VoiceBlue Enterprise
both the types of environment, with a PBX and without a PBX.
Figure 3.32:
VoIP-to-GSM Gateway with PBX
It can even replace the PBX completely for SIP telephones because it is equipped with
an integrated SIP proxy. This simplifies the VoIP network structure as shown in Fig.