Working
with
the
Locations
Tree
and
the
Devices
List
3Com
®
AirProtect
Planner
User
Guide
In
the
Manage
Layers
dialog
box,
some
or
all
the
layers
are
selected
by
default.
This
is
because
every
file
stores
the
status
of
the
layers
that
are
turned
on
or
off
based
on
the
selected
checkboxes
of
layers.
•
Layer
Name:
Select
the
checkbox
against
the
layers
you
want.
You
can
override
the
existing
status
of
each
layer
by
manually
selecting
them
based
on
your
requirement.
•
Material
Type:
Select
the
material
type
from
the
drop
‐
down
list,
as
populated
from
the
material
repository.
Planner
uses
all
this
information
to
model
the
objects
on
the
floor
map.
•
Preview:
Reflects
the
changes
with
the
selection
of
layers.
•
Enlarge
this
view:
Click
to
view
the
enlarged
view.
•
Restore
to
normal
View:
Click
to
restore
the
enlarged
view
to
normal
view.
Click
<
Apply
>
to
execute
the
changes
made.
On
the
Manage
Layers
screen,
if
you
click
<
Cancel
>,
the
file
is
not
imported
and
you
will
see
a
blank
image
on
the
layout
model.
When
you
load
a
node
with
an
file,
Planner
validates
the
attached
file.
Planner
checks
the
value
of
that
file
and
verifies
it
with
the
value
stored
in
the
.spm
file
for
that
file.
This
is
the
value
stored
when
the
file
was
first
imported.
If
there
is
any
mismatch
in
this
value,
Planner
still
loads
the
node
but
does
not
allow
you
to
use
the
Manage
Layers
option.
Planner
pops
up
an
alert
to
inform
you
about
this.
4.1.4
Viewing/Loading
a
Location
Loading
the
location
node
means
opening
the
.spm
file
associated
with
the
node.
You
can
open
only
one
node
at
a
time.
You
cannot
view
a
location
layout
unless
you
load
it.
To
view/load
a
location,
right
‐
click
a
location
node
from
the
Locations
tree
and
select
Load
Location
Node
.
Planner
launches
the
layout
on
the
layout
model
pane.
The
title
bar
of
the
screen
reflects
the
path
of
the
selected
location.
Note:
.spm
file
created
with
the
previous
versions
of
Planner
does
not
have
any
application
environment
assigned
to
that
file.
When
you
import
that
file
and
try
to
load
the
node,
then
Planner
pops
up
an
alert
asking
if
you
want
to
assign
the
default
application
environment.