UP! 3D Printer User Manual
5. Model Removal
When the model has finished printing, the printer will beep, and the nozzle and
platform stop heating.
Remove the printer platform from the printer by removing the clips.
Gently slide the spatula under the model and slowly wiggle it back and forth to
pry loose the model. Remember to use gloves as the platform and model may still
be hot.
CAUTION: It is strongly recommended that you do not remove the model
from the platform while it is still attached to the printer. If the model is
removed with a lot of force while the platform is still on the printer, the
mechanical structure of the printer may be damaged or its precision
affected or the platform will no longer be level to the nozzle.
Removing Support Material
Video - removing the raft and the support material from objects safely
Printed models are composed of two parts. One part is the model itself, and the other
part is the support material used to support any overhanging parts of the model.
The support material is the same physical material as the model material, but the
support material is printed at a much lower density. It is very easy to distinguish the
model from the support material so it is easy to remove.
Have a look at the teapot in the above pictures. The left picture shows the teapot with