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5. Servo installation
You will need 4-12 servos (micro size 21/12/22 HXT900, G90 or compatible)
4 servos for both ailerons and elevators is absolute minimum (just fix rudder and flaps) to fly
the plane, yes you can bank‘n‘yank like this, but adding two more servos for rudder (+one for
nose wheel steering) makes taking off much easier and flying coordinated turns looks much
better :-).
Add four more servos for the flaps to significantly reduce stall speed for much easier landings.
When using flaps, it‘s good to compensate flaps rotating efect to elevator, this mix should
be available on every todays RC transmitter and will help reducing the need to compensate
manually during final approach. The last servo is only eye candy and should be used to rotate
the top guner turret.
Note: in case you want to use all the servos (and rectractable LG), you might want NOT to
use servo extension leads, but solder the wires directly. It makes running the cables through
the tunnels easier.
You will need: 12x micro size servo (you will need 4-12 servos)
light servo extension cables (300 and 900mm) and Y cables
1.2 mm /16AWG steel pushrod wires (1-1.2mm)
use also as a hook for cables running through the tunnels...
torch or lighter (to heat up the wire) for servo instaling
Wire cutter, Z bend pliers or just pliers.
some gauge (f.e. ruler) or just pen for marking
soldering iron... and thin shrink tube.