Connect APM to power module and PDB
Connect the power module six-position cable
(red and black) to the APM PM port. Connect the
PDB four-wire cable (multicolored) to the APM
Outputs signal pins (top row). Ensure that the
wire originating in the position on the PDB pins
labeled M1 connects to the APM Output signal
pin labeled 1, the M4 wire connects to position
4, etc.
Locate the PDB four-wire cable (multicolored) and the power module six-position cable (red
and black); thread these cables up through the slots in the APM plate where they can connect
to the APM.
PDB to APM wiring
APM output
pin positions
PDB wire
Attach accessory plate to APM plate
Place accessory plate on top of APM plate, and align
the four 30 mm spacers with the four holes in the
accessory plate. Secure accessory plate to spacers
using four 5 mm nylon bolts.
APM plate
Accessory plate
30 mm 5 mm nylon bolt
Attach APM plate to top plate
Now we’ll attach the APM plate to the top plate. The APM plate
connects to the ends of the four 30 mm bolts securing the inside
holes of the arms. Place the four holes in the APM plate over the
exposed 30 mm bolts on the top plate and secure with 30 mm
threaded spacers.
30 mm bolt + 30 mm spacer
APM plate
Connect RC receiver to APM
When you’re ready to install an RC receiver module, use the provided four-wire and two-wire
cables to connect to APM. Using the four-wire cable, connect the receiver’s channel pins
to the corresponding APM Input signal pins. Use the two-wire cable to connect power and
ground pins between APM and the receiver to provide power to the receiver.
Complete plate assembly