After completing the checklist, you’re ready to fly! Arming and disarming are
important steps that must be completed before takeoff and after landing.
Use the safety button and the controller to arm the X8.
Press and hold the safety button until it
displays solid red. This indicates that the
X8 is now active.
Stand back!
Motors inactive, safe to handle
Motors active, deactivate before
To arm the motors, hold the left stick
down/right until the motors spin.
Controller left stick: arming position
Safety button indicators
The arming and disarming procedures ensure that you can safety start and
stop motors without risk of injury. The X8’s motors will spin when armed! Make
sure the propellers are clear of any obstructions, including your hands, before
arming. Do not handle the propellers or pick up the X8 while the safety button
is active (solid red).