Quantitative Fit Test Adapter 601
Instructions for use of the 3M
Quantitative Fit Test Adapter 601
The 3M
Quantitative Fit Test Adapter 601 is designed to permit quantitative fit testing with an
individual’s personal 3M
6000, 7000, or FF-400 Series Facepiece with bayonet style cartridge/filter
attachments. This is an alternate method to sharing a probed fit test respirator.
Important: Keep these Replacement Instructions for reference.
Adaptateur pour essai d’ajustement quantitatif 601
Directives d’utilisation de l’adaptateur pour essai d’ajustement
quantitatif 601 3M™
L’adaptateur pour essai d’ajustement quantitatif 601 3M™ permet de procéder à l’ajustement
quantitatif des masques 3M™ des séries 6000, 7000 et FF-400 dotés de cartouches/filtres à
baïonnette. Il s’agit d’un autre accessoire permettant de partager un respirateur muni d’une sonde
pour essai d’ajustement quantitatif.
Important : Conserver ces directives de remplacement à titre de référence.
Adaptador para prueba de ajuste 601
Instrucciones del Adaptador para prueba de ajuste 3M™ 601
El Adaptador para prueba de ajuste 3M™ 601 está diseñado para permitir la prueba de ajuste
cuantitativa con una Pieza facial individual 3M™ Serie 6000, 7000 o FF-400 con anexos de cartucho/
filtro tipo bayoneta. Éste es un método alternativo para compartir respiradores para prueba de ajuste
con sonda de muestreo.
Importante: Conserve estas Instrucciones de reemplazo para referencia futura.
Adaptador de Ensaio de Vedação 601
Instruções para uso do Adaptador de Ensaio de Vedação 601 da 3M™
O Adaptador de Ensaio de Vedação 601 da 3M™ é feito para permitir o ensaio de vedação quantitativo
com uma Peça Facial pessoal individual das séries 6000, 7000, ou FF-400 da 3M™ com conexões
de cartucho/filtro do tipo baioneta. Este é um método alternativo para o compartilhamento de um
respirador testado pelo teste de vedação.
Importante: Guarde estas Instruções de Substituição para referência.
Fig. 1
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
3M Occupational Health and
Environmental Safety Division
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3M Occupational Health
and Environmental Safety Division
3M Canada Company
P.O. Box 5757 London, Ontario N6A 4T1
Printed in U.S.A.
3M is a trademark of 3M Company.
©2010 3M Company. All rights reserved.
Division des produits d’hygiène
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Quantitative Fit Test Adapter 601 Installation
1. Remove the filter from the right side of the respirator. (Fig. 1)
2. Cut a length of sampling tubing as follows;
6000 Series Half Facepiece
- 3 inches
6000 Series Full Facepiece
- 4 1/4 inches
7500 Series Half Facepiece
- 3 inches
7800 Series Full Facepiece
- 4 1/4 inches
FF-400 Series Full Facepiece
- 4 1/4 inches
3. Slide one end of cut sampling tube onto the inside fitting of the 601 Adapter. (Fig. 2)
4. Make certain the 601 Adapter’s inhalation valve is in place. (Fig. 3)
5. Insert the other end of the sampling tube through the respirator filter holder and past
the respirator’s inhalation valve. Inserting the sample tube through the filter holder in
the area shown minimizes the chance of kinking tubing during adapter installation.
With the full facepiece respirator feed this tubing end also past the nose cup inhalation
valve. (Fig. 4)
6. Engage the 601 adapter to the respirator by aligning parts, pushing together and
turning adapter clockwise ¼ turn to stop.
7. Attach a suction cup to the forked end of a retainer clip. (Fig. 5)
8. Install the retainer clip and suction cup onto the sampling tube inside the respirator
facepiece. (Fig. 6)
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
9. Fasten the suction cup to the inside surface of the respirator facepiece of full
facepiece nose cup. The suction cup should be located between the nose and mouth
of the test subject. It may be necessary to moisten the suction cup to make it stick.
Make certain the sampling tube is not crimped or kinked. (Fig. 7)
10. Install a 3M™ P100 filter onto the 601 adapter. Be sure the same filter is also in place
on the respirator’s other filter holder.
11. Attach the quantitative measuring device’s sample hose to the outside fitting of the
601 adapter. (Fig. 8)
12. Standard quantitative fit testing procedures can now be followed.
Be sure to remove the 601 fit test adapter assembly and make certain the
respirator’s inhalation valve is in place and functional before allowing the respirator to
leave the fit test area.
For more information
In United States, contact:
Website: www.3M.com/OccSafety
Technical Assistance: 1-800-243-4630
For other 3M products:
1-800-3M-HELPS or 1-651-737-6501