Installation Site Selection:
Select the location of your backwash system with care. Various conditions which contribute to proper location are as follows:
1) Locate as close as possible to water supply source.
2) Locate as close as possible to a drain.
3) Locate in correct relationship to other water conditioning equipment (Figure 1).
4) Locate the backwash system in the supply line BEFORE the water heater. Temperatures above 110°F (43.3°C) will damage the backwash system
and void the factory warranty.
5) DO NOT install the backwash system in a location where freezing temperatures occur. Freezing may cause permanent damage and will also void
the factory warranty.
6) Allow suffi cient space around the installation for easy servicing.
7) Provide a non-switched 110V, 60Hz (220V, 50Hz for specifi ed systems) power source for the control valve.
To reduce the risk associated with ingestion of contaminants:
Do not
use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate disinfection before or after the system.
To reduce the risk associated with property damage due to water leakage:
Protect from freezing
, relieve pressure and drain system when temperatures are expected to drop below 33°F (0.6°C).
Do not
install on hot water supply lines. The maximum operating water temperature of this fi lter system is 110°F (43.3°C).
Do not
install systems in areas where ambient temperatures may go above 110°F (43.3°C) or below 40°F (4.4°C).
Facts to Remember While Planning Your Installation:
1) All installation procedures MUST conform to local and state plumbing codes.
2) If high water demand devices/activities are to be treated by the backwash system, a larger model MUST be selected to accommodate the higher fl ow
rate plus the backwashing requirements of the backwash system. Consult your dealer for alternative instructions if the pumping rate is insuffi cient.
3) Remember that the backwash system INLET is attached to the pipe that supplies water (i.e. runs to the pump) and the OUTLET is the line that runs
toward the water heater.
To reduce the risk associated with property damage due to plugged water lines:
• Pay particular attention to correct orientation of control valve. Water fl ow should match arrow on control valve. The Inlet and Outlet of other water treatment
equipment products will vary depending on the control valve brand used.
4) Before beginning the installation it is advisable to study the existing piping system and to determine the size, number and type of fi ttings required.
To reduce the risk associated with a hazardous voltage:
• If the electrical system requires use of the cold water system as an electrical safety ground, a jumper must be used to ensure a suffi cient ground connection across
the fi lter installation piping — refer installation to qualifi ed personnel.
5) Sweep the fl oor to eliminate objects that could pierce the media tank.