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Theory and Diagrams
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Color Theory
An understanding of color theory provides a background for making the convergence and white balance
Color is a visual sensation that involves three
elements; a light source, an object, and a viewer.
Light is reflected and modified by an object, then
reaches the receptors in our eyes and is interpreted
by our brains into what we know as color.
Each color has its own measurable wavelength
or combination of wavelengths. The
wavelengths of light are not colored, but
produce the sensation of color.
Electromagnetic Spectrum
All wavelengths of light are part of the
electromagnetic energy spectrum. The
spectrum is a continuous sequence of energy
waves that vary in length from short to long.
Visible light, the wavelength that our eyes can
detect, is only a small portion of the entire
spectrum. At one end of the visible spectrum
are the short wavelengths of light we perceive
as blue. At the other end of the visible
spectrum are the longer wavelengths of light
we perceive as red. All other colors are found
somewhere along the spectrum between blue and red.