156 | Managing the Radio
Aprisa SRx User Manual 1.3.0
Maintenance > Test Mode
PRBS Test Enabled
When active, the transmitter outputs a continuous PRBS signal. This can be used for evaluating the output
spectrum of the transmitter and verifying adjacent channel power and spurious emission products.
Deviation Test Enabled
When active, the transmitter outputs a sideband tone at the deviation frequency used by the CPFSK
modulator. This can be used to evaluate the local oscillator leakage and sideband rejection performance
of the transmitter.
CW Test Enabled
When active, the transmitter outputs a continuous wave signal. This can be used to verify the frequency
stability of the transmitter.
Test Mode Timeout (s)
This parameter sets the Transmitter Test Mode timeout period. The radio will automatically exit
Transmitter Test Mode after the Timeout period. The default setting is 10 seconds.