220 | Managing the Radio
Aprisa SRx User Manual 1.3.0
SR+ Compatible
The Aprisa SR can operate in an Aprisa SR+ network but the Aprisa SR+ radios must have the ‘SR
Compatible’ option activated to enable over-the–air point-to-multipoint interoperation.
When the Aprisa SR+ ‘SR Compatible’ option is activated, the Aprisa SR+ locks its modulation to QPSK (as
per the Aprisa SR modulation) and disables functionality which is not available in Aprisa SR for full
compatibility / interoperability operation.
: Any mix between Aprisa SR+ and Aprisa SR in the network will force the whole network to work in
SR Compatible mode.
Ethernet Operating Mode
The Ethernet Operating Mode defines how Ethernet / IP traffic is processed in the radio. The default
setting is Bridge.
Bridge mode inspects each incoming Ethernet frame source and
destination MAC addresses to determine if the frame is forwarded
over the radio link or discarded.
Router mode inspects each incoming IP source and destination IP
addresses to determine if the packet is forwarded over the radio
link or discarded.