Page 14
Glue the 1/32” ply rudder supports into the fuselage. Use 5 minute epoxy
and slide the supports into slits in the fuselage sides.
Sand the vertical tail leading edges round and the trailing edges tapered.
If installing rudders, cut and hinge them at this time.
Cut a 20 degree bevel into the bottom of each vertical tail (make sure to
make left and ride side mirror images). I just eyeballed this with a hobby
knife and sanding block and got close enough. Check the fit of the vertical
tails on the fuselage and trim as necessary. Then glue the vertical tails on
with 5 minute epoxy, sliding the plywood tail supports into the pre-cut slits
in the vertical tails.
If installing rudders, install the rudder control horns and attach them to the
rudder pushrods.