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Install the fuselage turtledeck. First glue the turtledeck sides to the top of
the wing, taking care to approximate the curvature shown on the plans and
to join the ends on the fuselage centerline (drawing a centerline first will
After the glue is dry, glue the turtle deck top piece on.
After that glue dries, sand the corners of the turtledeck round.
At this point, go ahead and sand all remaining fuselage corners round.
Cut an access hatch in the turtledeck above the receiver compartment to
allow access to the receiver and rudder servo (if installed).
At this point, also glue in the 3mm Depron inlet splitters at the front of each
inlet (these are for aesthetics only).
I also recommend applying a single strip of 3M Satin tape around the wing
and tail leading edges at this time. The tape helps provide a very smooth
leading edge shape and also provides more durability against the
inevitable “hangar rash.”