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Flight Setup
This model flies at it’s best with flaperon controls enabled, which requires a transmitter with flaperon mixing. If you don’t have
one, this model still flies well with ailerons only. The use of flaps can not only improve takeoff and landing performance, but
also maneuverability.
Adjust the controls to provide the following recommended deflections (all dimensions are measured at the root trailing edge):
Stabilators: +/- 1.0”
Ailerons: +/- 1.25”
Flaps: 0 up, 1.25” down
Rudder: +/- 0.75”
I recommend using 40% on elevator and ailerons to soften the control response around neutral.
Recommended hand launch procedure: Grip the airplane near the CG, set 10 degrees flaps (optional) and 50% throttle, and
throw it moderately hard straight ahead and parallel to the ground.
Be careful to keep your hand away from the prop as
you throw it!
It’s important to launch at only 50% throttle to minimize prop torque effects at launch, which could cause the
model to roll left immediately after you throw it.
Slowly add throttle soon after launch, and after the model has gained some speed and altitude retract the flaps if desired.
When flying in small fields, the flaps can be left at 10 degrees throughout the flight, which will allow the model to fly slower and
turn tighter. If you’re flying in a larger field and want faster speeds or better aerobatics, retract the flaps to zero after launch.
For landing, drop the flaps to 30 degrees, fly the model down to the ground, and then at the last minute pull back hard on the
elevator. You will be rewarded with a beautiful nose high flare and the model will gently settle onto the ground with virtually no
forward airspeed!
6. WARNING: Remember to ALWAYS release the elevator control right before touchdown during landings, since the
forward stabilator tips can dig into to grass or soft ground—which can significantly damage the model and/or
stabilator servo!!! Also remember to pull the throttle back to zero just before touchdown so that the propeller and/or
motor are not damaged on landing.