Vertical contact toaster
P/N 1011097 Rev. A 03/12
A.J. Antunes & Co.
maIntenance (continued)
checking the roller tensioners
(every 3–6 months)
measUrInG the rOller tensIOners
1. Measure the Roller Tensioner on both inner
Conveyor Covers (Figure 14).
2. The space between the inner Conveyor Cover
and bottom of the Tensioner wheel should be no
larger than 1/2 inch.
3. Adjust or replace tensioners as needed.
replacInG/aDJUstInG the rOller tensIOners
1. Remove the acorn nuts and old Roller Tensioner
2. Install the new Tensioner Assembly according to
Figure zx.
3. Make sure the spacers are placed inside the
Tensioner arm. The spacers allow the Tensioner
to pivot freely.
4. Make sure there is 1/2” between the bottom of the
Tensioner wheel and the inside of the Conveyor
1/2 Inch
Inner Surface
of Conveyor cover
figure 13. measuring roller tensioner
Acorn Nuts
Installation is the
same for both the Front
and Rear Conveyor Covers
8. Replace the Master Links on both the left and
right side of the chain. This connects the two ends
of the chain together.
nOte: the ends of the hooks must point down
(figure 13).
6. Replace the Belt Wrap. Secure with Hinge Pin.
nOte: make sure the conveyor belt chain and belt
wrap is installed
the upper support rod and
the lower support rod.
7. Replace the Conveyor Cover(s), Butter Wheel
assembly, Bun Chute, and Heat Shield.
8. Set the Bun Compression Adjustment Knobs to 4
& 6. Replace the Bun Compression Cover Plate.
9. Return the unit into service.
replacInG the cOnVeyOr belt chaIns
1. Turn the unit off, unplug the power cord, and allow
the unit to cool.
2. Remove the Butter Wheel Assembly, Bun Chute,
and Heat Shield (Figure 1). Remove the Bun
Compression Cover Plate and set the Bun
Thickness Compression Knobs to 6 & 6.
3. Remove the Conveyor Cover(s) and pull the Belt
Wrap Hinge Pin out of the zipper (Figure 9).
4. Pull the Conveyor Chain away from the edge of
the toaster (Figure 12). Remove the Belt Wrap(s).
5. Locate the two Master Links on the Conveyor
Belt Chain and remove both the left and the right
Master Link.
6. Remove the existing Conveyor Belt Chain(s).
7. Place the new Conveyor Belt Chain(s) on the top
sprockets with the hook ends down
nOte: the ends of the hooks must point down
(figure 13).
8. Wrap the Conveyor Belt Chain around the top and
lower sprockets and connect by replacing both the
left and the right Master Links (Figure zx).
9. Replace the Conveyor Cover(s), Butter Wheel
Assembly, Bun Chute, and Heat Shield.
Set the Bun Compression Adjustment Knobs to
4 and 6. Replace the Bun Compression Cover
11. Return the unit to service.
figure 14. measuring roller tensioner