AMB-2020HT(T)-E User’s Manual
PCI/VGA Palette Snoop
Some display cards that are non-standard VGA may not show colors properly. This field allows you to set
whether or not MPEG ISA/VESA VGA Cards can work with PCI/VGA. When this field is enabled, a
PCI/VGA can work with an MPEG ISA/VESA VGA card. When this field is disabled, a PCI/VGA
cannot work with an MPEG ISA/VESA card.
OS Select for DRAM > 64MB
This option allows the system to access greater than 64MB of DRAM memory when used with OS/2 that
depends on certain BIOS calls to access memory. The default setting is
Report No FDD For WIN 95
This option allows Windows 95 to share with other peripherals IRQ6, which is assigned to a floppy disk
drive if the drive is not existing.
Video BIOS Shadow
This item allows you to change the Video BIOS location from ROM to RAM. Video Shadow will
increase the video speed.
C8000 - CBFFF Shadow/DC000 - DFFFF Shadow
Shadowing a ROM reduces the memory available between 640KB to 1024KB. These fields determine
whether or not optional ROM will be copied to RAM.