Surface cleaning
Basic cleaning of the pla�orm
A regular cleaning of the pla�orm upper side helps to preserve the system and is absolutely ess¬en�al.
The pla�orms driven over by cars are swept clean by using a broom or vacuum cleaner.
Recommended frequency: Monthly
Cleaning in winter
As the winter months cause more heavy wear due to snow, ice, road salt, chippings etc. when the pla�orm
surfaces are driven over, the following measures are to be observed:
In winter any regular condensa�on is to be removed in par�cular below the pla�orms.
Recommended frequency: Weekly
Snow, ice, road salt and dirt deposits are to be removed from the pla�orms.
Recommended frequency: Weekly
Carry out thorough cleaning of the en�re pla�orms with broom, vacuum or water jet (pressure up to 5 bar).
Recommended frequency: Quarterly
Basic wet cleaning of the ground
Remove snow, rain, surface water etc. on the ground by cleaning devices e.g., vacuum.
Recommended frequency: Quarterly
Please follow the codes and regula�ons of local authori�es, such as municipal authori�es, environmental
protec�on office or trade supervisory council.
Recommended frequency: As required
7.2 Surface maintenance
The parts have undergone different corrosion protec�on measures, depending on their atmospheric or mechanical
loading as well as the individual requirements called for by the client. For an effec�ve long-term protec�on, the
following cares are to be performed:
Screws, nuts, washers
When performing basic cleaning of the units, check all screws, nuts and washers for correct fit. In the event of rust,
brush with a brass brush applying light pressure and clean and spray protec�ve wax a�er cleaning.
Powder coated surfaces
Damage due to mechanical or other effects are to be treated as soon as once detected in order to prevent
impairments or infiltra�on of the powder coa�ng. Care or improvement measures are to be carried out as follows:
light rubbing with emery cloth, grain 120 or brass brush (do not use a wire brush!) followed by cleaning and
degreasing with brake cleaner. Apply the touch-up paint to the damaged points with a brush, such as, for example
Touch-up paint RAL
5015 (blue) and RAL 7000 (grey)
, air-dried.
Moving parts
Grease the moving parts which might be damaged by dust or damp.
Surface Cleaning & Protection
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