Filter function
To transfer the inbound call to the filtered phone:
You are in communication with a party and you want to transfer
the call to the filtered phone:
• Press the key programmed for supervision.
You can wait for the party to answer or hang up immediately.
-> The indicator associated to the programmed key lights up.
You are filtered
To call the filtering phone:
You want to call the designated user of the filtering phone:
• Press the key programmed for supervision.
-> The indicator associated to the programmed key lights up.
To pick up a call that is meant for you:
A call that was meant for you arrives on the filtering phone. The
indicator associated with the key programmed for filter
supervision on your phone flashes rapidly and if programmed, it
emits an audible signal*.
• Press the programmed key then lift the handset to talk to the
-> The indicator associated with the programmed key goes off.
To deactivate the filter function:
The key programmed with the filter function is used to deactivate
filtering from the filtered phone or the filtering phone*.
• Press the key programmed for filtering.
-> An audible message and the display indicate that the action
has been validated.
-> The indicator associated to the programmed key goes off on
the filtered and filtering phones.
Deactivating or activating the filter function on one of the
phones (for example the filtered one) is automatically recorded on
the other phone (for example the filtering one).
* Depending on the programming performed by the system operator.
Superv. Filtered