Handling Calls
41-001524-00 REV01 – 07.2014
Transferring Calls
The 6867i IP phone has a dedicated
key. You can use this hard key to transfer calls or use the
offered on screen when in a connected call.
Blind Transfer
A blind transfer is when you transfer a call directly to another extension without consulting with the person receiving the
call. To do this, simply complete the transfer immediately after you have entered the number. The call goes directly to the
extension or outside line you transferred to.
Consultative Transfer
You also have the option to consult with the person you are transferring the call to, before you complete the transfer. To
do this, simply remain on the line until the receiving party answers the call. After consulting with the receiving party, you
can either complete the transfer or cancel the transfer to go back to the original call.
Direct Transfer
The 6867i IP phone provides a convenient direct method of transferring an existing call to another existing call. If you
have the transfer recipient on hold on another line, you can simply navigate to the recipient and press the
key or
softkey and the direct transfer will be performed.
Transfer Key