Special functions
Emergency call key (SOS)
All the devices offer the possibility of storing an SOS emergency-call function under one of the pro-
grammable keys (see page 55). To dial an SOS emergency number, all you have to do is briefly press
the programmable key (emergency call key). Whether dialling is possible only in the idle state or
also in the connected state depends on the device and the assigned key type.
Aastra 610d: The emergency call key is available in idle mode only.
Aastra 620d / 630d: If you programmed the SOS emergency-call feature under the left or middle
softkey or under left or right navigation key, the emergency call key will be available in idle mode
only. If you program the emergency call feature under one of the other keys (sidekeys / hotkey), the
emergency call key can also be used in the connected state.
On the Aastra 610d / 620d, the handset is always switched to handsfree mode when the SOS emer-
gency number is dialled. On the Aastra 630d you can set whether the number is dialled in handsfree
mode or in handset operation (see menu item Handsfree in alarm in the event of an alarm under
Alarm Sensor).
The Aastra 630d handset has a separate SOS key along the top. If you press the SOS key briefly, the
SOS emergency number is only dialled after a safety prompt; if you press the key for longer, the SOS
emergency number is dialled directly. In the menu
-> Settings -> Key programming -> [and
press the SOS key] you can also set the response in such a way that the SOS emergency number is
dialled immediately after a short keypress.
You can enter the SOS emergency number in the menu
-> Protection -> SOS number. If the
SOS emergency number is predefined by the system, this menu item is not displayed.
If you always store the SOS emergency number preceded by the R-key feature (enquiry / hold), the
emergency call can also be made during a call (depending on the system / and handset – see
above). To enter the R-key feature, press the #-key three times (see also page 23).
You can also use the emergency call key / SOS key when the key lock or phone lock is activated.
When calling up the menu of system features (e.g. system menu) it may not be possible to use the
emergency/SOS key. So avoid menu settings during safety-critical applications of the handset.
Alarm Sensor (Aastra 630d only)
The Aastra 630d handset is equipped with an alarm sensor that permanently determines the hand-
set’s tilt angle and movement. Various types of alarm can be deduced from these readings, trigge-
ring an automatic alarm call. The only requirement is that you have programmed an alarm number
Basic functions