Dialing a Number from the Call List
The 25 last received, dialed and missed phone numbers are stored in the
call list. If Clock and Date function is set, it is possible to see the time for
the calls made or received that day. The following day, the time stamp is
changed to a date stamp. For more information on time and date settings,
see Section 15.3.
To dial a number stored in the call list, do the following:
1. Press .
The call list is opened.
2. Step with the navigation keys in the call list and select a number to
dial. If a number occurs more than once, the last time stamp,
together with the total number of occurrences, is shown.
3. Press or Call.
The number can be edited before the call is started, to do this:
a. Press More.
b. Select Edit number, and press Select.
c. Change the number and press
or Call.
Delete a number from the Call list
To delete a number from the call list, when your phone is in idle mode, do the
1. Press Menu, select Calls, and press Select.
2. Select Call list, and press Select.
3. Select a number and press More.
4. Select Delete, and press Select to remove the selected number.
Select Delete all, and press Select to remove all numbers in the call
5. Press Yes to confirm.
The name and number are deleted.
Dialing from Contacts
See Section 8 for instructions on how to make a call to one of your
contacts or to a contact in the company or central phonebook.
Loudspeaking (Handsfree)
While waiting for a connection, dial tone or during the call:
1424_EN_LZT103087.doc Rev B2 2009-09-11
Copyright Aastra Telecom Sweden, 2009.
All rights reserved.