S850i System Configuration
41-001516-00 REV00 – 06.2013
Network Settings
Browse to the Network Settings menu: Menu > Setup > Advanced Setup > Network Settings.
You can change the DHCP configuration by turning it off and manually setting your IP address in the IP Settings. If DHCP is set
to ON this takes precedent over static IP settings.
IP Settings allows you to set the IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, Primary DNS and Secondary DNS when you are not
using DHCP.
VoIP Settings allow you to set minimal required settings to connect to a VoIP switch. Registrar, Username, and Password (which
can be empty) are required fields to connect to your SIP Call Server.
"Registrar" is either the IP address or server name of your SIP Call Server.
"ID" is the name used in messages to identify this phone. If ID is left open, the Username will be used as ID.
"Display Name" is the string that is shown at the far side when you make outbound calls. If you do not provide a Display
Name, the Username will be used. Please note that your SIP Call Server might override the Display name sent by the S850i
and replace it with names configured in the SIP Call Server.
"Username" is the extension off the SIP Call Server this phone will be reached under
"Password" is the password used by the Username to logon to the SIP Call Server.
If any value was changed, a sixth option "Load Settings" is offered. This will reboot the S850i Wireless Base Unit, applying the
changed settings.
Voice VLAN allows changing VLAN settings. Highlight the “Mode” field and press “Enter” to switch between the three options.
“Auto” will automatically determine whether a VLAN is in place, and request the VLAN identifier from the network. “Enabled”
will enable the VLAN, but requires a VLAN identifier to be manually set in the Voice VLAN ID menu. “Disabled” means that no
Voice VLAN is in use.