Installation, Administration and Maintenance
Configuration of Portable Parts
At the Portable Parts web page all configured DECT handsets are sorted by
their number. To keep the list concise, the complete list is split up into sub
lists containing up to 100 handsets. The user can move back and forth in
steps of 100 handsets. Because the browser function can not be used to
search for a certain handset in all sub lists, a search function is available,
which allows to find a handset by a given number or IPEI.
Adding Portable Parts to the SIP-DECT system
A new PP can be added to the system by pressing the “New” button. The
following popup window appears allowing the configuration of a new PP.
The Name parameter represents the SIP Display Name field. This parameter
is optional but recommended.
The Number is the SIP account number or extension for the PP.
The IPEI is the DECT 142 handset IPEI number which can be found in the
System Options menu of the DECT 142 handset.
The DECT authentication code is used during initial DECT subscription as a
security option and can be set here for each PP separately. If it is not
configured the global authentication code on the “System Settings” web
page, it is used (see chapter This parameter is optional.
Note: The authentication code can only be changed if the PP is not
subscribed. The PP name can be changed, but this will not take effect until
the PP is subscribed again.
The SIP Authentication User Name is optional but recommended. It
represents the name which will be used during SIP registration and
authentication. If no name is given the number will be used by default. The
password will be used during SIP registration and authentication.
Aastra Telecom
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