Helix cable
Put the con nec tor of the he lix ca ble into its so cket lo ca ted on the clim bing
unit's hou sing. Lock the con nec tor by pus hing up the lat ching.
Be ca ti ous that neit her con nec tor nor so cket be co me wet by e.g. wa -
ter or snow - this may cau se a short cir cuit bet ween pins and re sult in
se ve re mal functi on of the sys tem.
Attach the battery pack
Push the bat te ry pack into its fix tu re by me ans of the gui ding pins on top of
the clim bing unit's hou sing. This estab lis hes the po wer con nec ti on and
locks the bat te ry pack.
Detach the battery pack
Un lock the bat te ry pack by pres sing the re lea se but ton on top of the bat te ry
pack un til it en ga ges.Then lift out the bat te ry pack.
160 kg