Instructions for operation
Be fo re we get to the ac tu al in struc tions for ope ra ti on, we would like to in tro -
du ce the
’s most im por tant com po nents to you:
Control unit
The con trol unit is si tua ted on the right hand le and con sists of an UP/DOWN
, a speed con trol
, a sa fe ty chip for the en gi ne im mo bi li ser
an ON/OFF switch
It is pos si ble to supp ly you with a left-hand ed con trol for ad di tio nal
char ge.
ON/OFF switch
If the
is not in ope ra ti on, plea se turn the de vi ce off.
is equip ped with a turn-off fea tu re: if the de vi ce is on and
has not been used for 5 mi nu tes, the turn off fea tu re swit ches the
c-max off au to ma ti cal ly. In such case you can only use the c-max
again by pres sing the ON/OFF switch.
Should you have op ted for the in cli na ti on in di ca tor, it will also be au -
to ma ti cal ly ac ti vat ed when you turn on your c-max.
Inclination indicator (optional)
If you wish the c-max can be equip ped with an in cli na ti on sen sor. Should
you hold the de vi ce at an an gle that is too high or too low, you will feel a vi -
brat ion in the hand le. The vi brat ion in crea ses the more you di ver ge from the
ideal an gle.
If the hand le does not vi bra te you are wit hin the ideal in cli na ti on an gle to
ope ra te the c-max with ease.
If your c-max has been equip ped with this fea tu re at your choi ce, it will vi -
bra te for a few se conds every time you turn on the de vi ce. This is to tell you
that the in cli na ti on in di ca tor is ac ti ve. Should this in iti al vi brat ion not oc -
cur, plea se con tact your aut ho ri zed dea ler or AAT Al ber An triebs tech nik
UP/DOWN switch
With the UP/DOWN switch
you ac ti va te the clim bing me cha nism up- or
downs tairs.
Speed control
The speed con trol
en ab les you to ad just the speed con ti nu ous ly.
When you use the
for the first time, plea se choo se the lo west speed.
Safety Chip for the engine immobiliser
The UP/DOWN switch only works if you put the sa fe ty chip for the en gi ne im -
mo bi li ser into its slot. Plea se make sure that the chip is pro per ly set to en su -
re safe and con ti nu ous ope ra ti on.
If you do not put in the chip you can turn on the c-max, but you can not dri ve
with it. This fea tu re ma kes sure that no un aut ho ri zed per son uses the de vi -
160 kg