Transportation of a person with the
Plea se note that the
was de ve lo ped to be ope ra ted by one per son. Al -
ways use both hands when using the de vi ce.
Only one per son may be trans ported with the c-max.
Plea se prac ti ce dri ving with the
on le vel ground, slo pes and
clim bing up- and downs tairs at first wit hout a per son sit ting in the
chair! Also make sure that whi le you prac ti se using the c-max no bo dy
is wit hin clo se ran ge of the po ten ti al ly dan ge rous area un der ne ath
the device.
We sug gest that you prac ti ce clim bing up- and downs tairs with the sing le
step mode ac ti vat ed (see chap ter 6.2). Also choo se the lo west clim bing
speed for prac ti cing (see chap ter 6.1.4)
Plea se do not ex ceed the ma xi mum lif ting ca pa ci ty (see chap ter 5.1)
In the in te rest of your sa fe ty plea se al ways ope ra te the c-max from
be hind, ne ver si de ways
When a per son ta kes a seat on the c-max, plea se fol low the se instructions:
Secure stand of the
To avoid the c-max mo ving when a per son ta kes a seat, you must fold out the
clim bers in such a way that it rests on the ground.
Turn on the de vi ce and press the UP/DOWN switch di rec ti on UP un til the
clim bers touch the floor.
Swivel out or remove the arm rests
Sit ting down can be fa ci li ta ted by fol ding out the arm rests. If ne ces sa ry you
can re mo ve the arm rests al to get her. Af ter the per son to be trans por ted has
ta ken a seat you put the arm rests back into their ori gi nal po si ti on.
Fold out the foot rest
When a per son is trans por ted, plea se fold out the foot rest (see pic tu re),
and, if ne ces sa ry, help the per son to pla ce his/her feet on it.
160 kg