The first in ter val is fi nis hed when the main wheels touch down on the next
hig her step
and re su me the load of the clim bers.
The se cond in ter val be gins by pul ling in the clim bers
. It is fi nis hed when
the clim bers re ach their top most po si ti on.
Be cau se the
is al ways pul led slight ly bac kward, it rolls au to ma ti cal ly
to the next step and rea ches the in iti al po si ti on again - both main wheels
touch the next step.
If you ac ti vat ed the sing le step mode, the clim bing pro cess ends at this
point. To re su me clim bing you need to press the UP/DOWN switch once
again, di rec ti on
At this point the clim bing pro cess re pe ats it self as des cri bed in point 7.
160 kg