Now the main wheels and the clim bing fra me are mo ved for ward
- away
from the ope ra tor.
Af ter wards the main wheels and the fra me are lo we red
by re trac ting the
clim bers
. This re sults in a small shift in load dis tri bu ti on, which you will
feel at the hand le by a slight pull for ward.
The main wheels rest now on the next step (see pic tu re) and re su me the load
from the clim bers, which are re trac ted furt her.
If you ac ti vat ed the sing le step mode, the clim bers are pul led in en ti re ly and
then the des cen ding pro cess ends at this point.
Again push the
all the way to the edge of the step, i.e. un til the
sen si ti ve rolls of the se cu ri ty bra kes stop the
To con ti nue des cen ding you need to press the UP/DOWN switch again, di -
rec ti on DOWN, if you ac ti vat ed the sing le step mode.
At this point the clim bing pro cess re pe ats it self as des cri bed in point 7.
6.12 Laying the
on the stairs
In an emer gen cy the
may tilt bac kwards and lay down on the stairs.
The sa fe ty bra kes pre vent the
from rol ling down (see pic tu re).
160 kg