+33 4 7642 9550
User manual for Cantar-X1 & X2 v2.15 2008 March 28
The value of the longest delay is applied to all channels
except for the one being set; example: a digital wireless
lavalier (3.8ms processing delay) feeding Line-in1 must be
in-phase with a boom at 6m distance (18ms sound propaga-
tion time) feeding Mic5: set Mic5 at 18ms and Line-in1 at
3.8ms. All analog inputs are buffered by 18ms, Line-in1 by
(18 – 3.8) 14.2ms, and Mic5 by 0.0ms.
Since the delays can go up to 85ms (two film frames), the
TC stamp in each audio file is corrected accordingly; for this
reason, each input delay is noted in the iXML chunk and the
CSV Sound-Report file.
Mic Coupling
In AUDIO/TC.08 ‘Mic Links’, select ‘
1+2 3+4
’ (default), or
’... Phantom, Limiter and Highpass-filters are applied
identically to the coupled faders. Phase inverters remain
independent. All of these couplings remain active when
the Cantar on-board faders are taken over by
Set AUDIO/TC.08 ‘Mic Links’ to ‘
1+2 3+4
’. Press
[shift] [link-lock] (3) between the Mic 1 and Mic 2 faders;
a dot appears between ‘1’ and ‘2’ in the bottom of each
modulometer; Mic1 becomes the master of Mic2. Press
[shift] [link-lock] (3) between the Mic3 and Mic4 faders;
a dot appears between ‘3’ and ‘4’ in the bottom of each
modulometer; Mic 3 becomes the master of Mic 4.
Surround sound
Set AUDIO/TC.08 ‘Mic Links’ to ‘
’. Press [link-
lock] (3) between Mic1and 2, Mic1 becomes the master.
Masters and slaves
Whenever you rotate a fader, all fader values are displayed
on the rectangular screen; the master(s) is ‘highlighted’ by a
black square, the slave(s) by a pipe. The slave tuning range
is ±12dBu of its master’s value.
Protecting the balance faders
The balances being locked in AUDIO/TC.07, the slaved
faders are protected against flying fingers (a key appears in
the rectangular screen), balance modification can only be
done while pressing the [so-fil-tom] button (2).
The memorized gain value is displayed in dBFS on the rect-
angular screen, the physical position of the fader is shown by
< > signs. There is no sudden level change if re-activation
takes place when the fader is positioned in such a way that
the ‘pipe’ sign is displayed.
The Mixer
Push the [Solo Mix
slider to PAN (battery side). Each
track can be sent to the left or right tracks of the mixdown.
Press the [track-solo] button and [jog] the marker to the left
or the right of the circular screen. When it is in the center it
provides a mono mix. The value in dBFS of what is left to the
other side is displayed on the rectangular screen.
When a track pair is declared ‘M/S’, the pan goes to the
middle and it is stereo L/R decoded into the mixdown, the
Phones, Line-out, Foldback and Digi-out.
The pan-pots being set, each track’s contribution to the mix is
adjusted with the mixer’s sliders. The maximum gain can be
6dBu or 0dBu (AUDIO/TC.05 ‘MixGain Max’).
To listen to the Xa Xb mixer outputs, set the [monitor] crown to
and select the ‘MX’ config. Xa Xb levels appear in dBFS
on the rectangular screen bar-
graphs: -50 -45 -40 -38 -36
-34 -32 -30 -28 -26 -24 -22
-20 -18 -16 -14 -12 -9 -6 -3
0 Clip.
A higher precision way to display T7 T8 track levels: press
the [eye] button, this will swap T7 T8 with T5 T6 on the right
circular screen.
[jog] overwrites the bargraphs with battery voltage,
available disk space, or remaining recording time calculated
from the current track count, bit-depth and sample rate.