4 PCI-5565PIORC* Ultrahigh Speed Fiber-Optic Reflective Memory with Interrupts
Publication No. 500-9367855565-000 Rev. D.0
Further Information
Abaco Website
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Abaco Documents
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manuals via the website.
Third-party Documents
Refer to PCI Local Bus Specification for a detailed explanation of the PCI Local bus from
the following source:
PCI Local Bus Specification, Rev. 2.2
PCI Special Interest Group
P.O. Box 14070
Portland, OR 97214
(800) 433-5177 (U.S.)
(503) 797-4207 (International)
(503) 234-6762 (FAX)
For information on PLD Applications’ PCI-X IP Core, contact them at:
United States
PLD Applications, Inc.
2570 North First St. 2nd floor
San Jose, CA 95131-1036
(408) 273 4530 or (866) 513 0362
Fax: (408) 273 4555
France (Corporate Headquarters)
PLD Applications
Europarc Pichaury A2 - 1330, rue Guillibert
13856 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 3 - France
Tel: +33 442 393 600
Fax: +33 442 394 902