I.L. 41-661.2A
The factory settings of the standard relay are:
Coil Resistors in series with X and Y, and motor:
X a n d Y r a t i n g .
. .
12 5 Vdc/24 0 Vat
Motor ratin g
. . . . . . . . .
240 V 60 cycles
Motor spee d
. . . . . .
1 revolution in
60 seconds
Contact Settings . . .
.See Fig. 4
The following checks may be performed to
determine if the relay, as received from the fac-
tory, is in serviceable condition.
Energize the X, Y and motor coils with 70%
of the above a-c ratings (or 80% of d-c rating) or
at lower ratings by bypassing the coil resistor or
resistors. See that X and Y pick up positively and
that proper contact action is obtained.
Determine the time required for one drum
revolution. The time in seconds should corre-
spond to the drum speed dial markin
Observe drum cam action during this interval or
by manually rotating the drum with the push rod
All contacts should be periodically cleaned with
a fine tile. A contact burnishe
is recommended for this purpose. The use of
abrasive material for cleaning contacts is not
recommended, because of the danger of embed-
ding small particles in the face of the soft silver
and thus impairing the contact.
The motor bearing contains a supply of special
lubricant sufficient for from three to five years
service. This lubricant does not congeal at low
temperatures and permits satisfactory operation
of the motor at ambient temperatures o
to -40°F, such as sometimes may occur in out-
door installations. This oil is available i
I oz.
bottles a s S#1723639.
To lubricate the motor, withdraw the drum
speed dial assembly after removing the clamping
screw and the black screws. Then, gently work
the motor and gear assembly loose from the rear
chassis mounting plate and lower it under the
front chassis mounting plate. Remove the gear
plate of the motor and gear assembly and, then,
the knurled oil cap. Saturate the wool with
oil. Reassemble.
Repair work can be done most satisfactorily at
the factory. However, interchangeable parts can
be furnishe
the customers who are equipped
for doing repair work. When ordering parts,
always give the complete nameplate date.