Operation Manual / 4 Product description / A130-M.. - A145-M..
6 Periodic maintenance work / 6.2 Cleaning the compressor during
© Copyright 2017 ABB. All rights reserved.
Revision F
August 2017
Cleaning the compressor during operation
Approval by enginebuilder
These instructions for wet cleaning only apply to cleaning with pure water and under the
precondition that the enginebuilder approves the process.
Options and limits
Periodic cleaning during operation delays any major increase in contamination. The cleaning
method is suitable as long as the contamination has not progressed far. Very heavily con-
taminated components can no longer be cleaned using this method. In this case, ABB Turbo
Systems recommends having the contaminated components cleaned mechanically by an
ABB Turbocharging Service Station.
Periodic cleaning during operation does not replace the service work where the turbochar-
ger is completely dismantled and serviced by an ABB Turbocharging Service Station.
Causes and results of contamination
Contamination of the compressor stage depends on the degree of purity of the sucked-in
air. Deposits can form in the flow channels if salt, oil mist, exhaust gas or dust are sucked in
with the air.
Consequences of contamination:
Impaired compressor efficiency
Increased exhaust gas temperatures
Increased fuel consumption
Increased rotor unbalance
Cleaning interval
The time period between the periodical cleaning cycles depends greatly on the operating
conditions. Cleaning should normally be done every 24 ... 72 hours of operation.
If the specified cleaning intervals are incompatible with operation of the engine, contact
ABB Turbo Systems.