Operation Manual / 4 Product description / A100-L
Disassembly and assembly
Page 57 / 113
© Copyright 2016 ABB. All rights reserved.
Revision H
November 2016
Disassembly and assembly
Further operations
This Operation Manual may be used to carry out only those operations that
are described in it. Further operations that are executed in an incorrect way
can lead to serious damage to the machine.
ABB Turbo Systems recommends having further operations carried out
only by trained personnel from an ABB Turbocharging Service Station.
Marking casing position for assembly
ABB Turbo Systems recommends marking the casing positions prior to dis-
Identification of the assembly devices
Not all assembly devices are marked with a part number. Identification is guaranteed by the
tool list. This list is enclosed in the toolbox.
Servicing the assembly devices
Assembly devices must be checked for damage before and after use.
Visually inspect for corrosion, cracks, deformation and wear.
Damaged assembly devices must no longer be used and must be re-
Customer spare part set
Before starting operations, make sure the required customer spare part sets are available.
Tightening torques for components of the turbocharger
The specified tightening torques of the screw fittings must be observed (Table of tightening