Adding the Light Switch
Product Manual 2CQA 100 001 B0001
Start Go to Settings > free@home radio > Search for wireless devices
The SysAP will now search for the Light Switch.
The Light Switch can only be found if the search starts within 30 minutes after the Light
Switch was connected to power. If 30 minutes has elapsed, the user must turn the power OFF
and back ON again to restart the 30 minutes.
The Light Switch will be found automatically and will be inserted into the configuration software.
Please wait until the Light Switch configuration is read. This may take up to 10 minutes.
STEP 3: Add the Light to the floor plan
A. Go To “Devices”.
B. Click on “Light” (or whatever new element was wired to the Light Switch).
C. Drag the light bulb symbol (or other element) into the floor plan.
D. Choose the device from the list.
The device can be identified by its serial number or 3-digit code.
E. A new symbol will appear in the floor plan corresponding to the element that was placed into
the floor plan, (the Socket Outlet is pictured below).