1SDH000759R0002, L4106
Installation and operating instructions, ATS021
Figure 3.1
Automatic Switching Sequences
3.1.2 Manual functions
Circuit breakers can be controlled by CB1 and CB2 buttons in MANUAL mode. Alarms are activated in
the same way as in automatic sequences if control fails.
CB1 button pressed:
If CB1 is closed, send opening command to CB1
If CB1 and CB2 are both open, send closing command to CB1
If CB1 is open and CB2 closed, no operation
CB2 button pressed:
If CB2 is closed, send opening command to CB2
If CB2 and CB1 are both open, send closing command to CB2
If CB2 is open and CB1 closed, no operation
3.1.3 Test sequence
Switching sequences can be simulated in a special TEST mode that can be entered by pressing the
TEST button. Pressing the RESET button exits the TEST mode. More information, see page 16.
3 Description