1ZSE 5492-129 en, Rev. 6
1.3 Serial number
Before consulting ABB for technical advice to assist with repairs or to order spare parts to
complete the repairs, the on-load tap-changer serial number must be known. The serial
number can be found on the following locations:
Rating plate on the motor-drive mechanism (Fig. 2)
Diverter switch housing (Fig. 1)
Diverter switch (Fig. 1)
Tap selector (Fig. 1)
If the on-load tap-changer serial number cannot be obtained, the transformer serial number
should be used (only if the transformer is manufactured by ABB in Ludvika, Sweden).
NOTE: One of these serial numbers must be quoted in all correspondence and telefax
messages, and during any telephone conversations with ABB. Failure to use the serial
number may cause delays.
Serial No.
1.4 Spare parts list
The Repair guide does not contain information about spare parts and how to order them.
For information about spare parts, please refer to the
1ZSE 5492-133 Spare parts list for the
UC range of on-load tap-changers with motor-drive mechanisms, types BUE and BU
The Spare parts list also contains several exploded views, which can be very handy when
making repairs.
1. Introduction
Fig. 2. Rating plate.