ABB i-bus
Note: With a RS232 interface and a COM interface it is only
possible to make one contact to the EIB / KNX. Is the COM
interface used by the ETS, please close the ETS. Through this
the COM interface is free and can use for the DGS11-software-
The dll-file (FalconSupport.dll) contained in the Zip-File of the
DGS11-Software-Tool must store in the same directory as the
exe-file (DGS11 Software-Tool dt-engl.exe).
A.1.4 Visualisation
When the connection to the EIB / KNX has been established and the DG/S
1.1 has been recognised, the “Options” window of the DGS11 Software Tool
appears. The connection to the gateway is indicated by the display of the
“Channel A” and “Channel B” tabs which will flash briefly for the purpose of
simple recognition after the connection has been established.
It is possible to change between DG/S 1.1 channels via tab “Channel A”.
This visualisation displays an 8 x 8 matrix of the 64 devices with DALI
interface which are connected to channel A of the DG/S 1.1. Each device is
indicated by a lamp symbol. A green check mark indicates that the device is