11 Supplementary Configuration Information
Supplementary Configuration Information
Supplementary Information for Configuring the Pulse Output
The scaled pulse output uses 1-channel and can be configured as an active (24 V DC) or passive
(optocoupler) pulse. To change mode after start-up, see Chapter 9.9. To configure the following parameter
settings are to considered.
Parameter Entry
Pulse Factor
The limits for the pulse factor are dynamic and are dependent on the flow range (Qmax) setting as
well as the totalizer units selection. The limits are calculated so the count frequency is between
5000 Hz and 0.01 Hz.
If the flow range or totalizer units are changed, the selected pulse factor is checked for validity. If
necessary, the pulse factor is changed so that the limits are not exceeded. If the pulse width is too
large for the resultant frequency, it is also reduced.
Example for high limit:
Pulse factor high = max. frequency/(Qmax · units factor)
If Qmax = 1 l/s then the units factor is = 1
max. Frequency = 5,000 Hz
5,000(1 · 1) = 5,000 pulses/liter
Example for low limit:
Pulse factor low = Pulse factor high/min. pulse frequency
Min. pulse frequency = 500,000
5,000/500,000 = 0.01 pulses/liter
The pulse factor can therefore be set within the limits from 0.01 to 5000 pulses per liter. In the sub-
menu "Pulse Factor" the value displayed will be within these limits. If other entry changes are made,
Qmax, totalizer units, the limits are recalculated and if required, the pulse factor changed, if it is
outside of the limits.
The pulse width is always set so that the above criteria are satisfied. If a change is required, then
the Warning Pulse Width Changed is displayed.
Pulse Width
The pulse width (duration for the pulses) can be set within the range from 0.1ms to 2000 ms. The
upper limit may be reduced based on the value of the pulse factor, in order to assure an on/off ratio
of 1:1 and the maximum 5 kHz.
Example for high limit:
Width high = 500/(pulse factor · units factor · Qmax)
Pulse factor = 5,000, Qmax = 1 l/s, units factor = 1
500/(5,000 · 1 · 1) = 0.1 ms
Pulse factor = 10, Qmax = 1 l/s, units factor = 1
500/(10 · 1· 1) = 50 ms
If the pulse width is not sufficient for the application, then the totalizer units, flow range or pulse
factor must be changed.
Basically any changes made by the converter to the pulse factor or pulse width will be indicated by
a Warning message in the display.
When connecting an active or passive counter, the allowable current and pulse frequency limits
must be considered.
A 24 V passive counter is connected:
The maximum output frequency is 5 kHz.
„closed“16 V
30 V,2 mA
220 mA
„open“0 V
2 V,0 mA
2 mA
Pulse factor
1.0000 / l
Pulse width
50 ms
30 V
16 V
2 V
0 V
Unit Totalizer