Operation Manual / 4 Product description / A100-M axial
Periodic maintenance
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Revision A
July 2016
Wet cleaning of turbine and nozzle ring
The following operating state and the following prerequisites have been tested and approved
by ABB Turbo Systems for cleaning operations:
Set the engine load between 20 … 50 % so that the turbine inlet temperature is between
380 … 430 °C.
Figure 23: Turbine and nozzle ring cleaning cycle
Once the turbine inlet temperature is stable and has dropped below 430 °C, wait at least
another 10 minutes to allow the turbine-end turbocharger parts to cool down.
Start the cleaning cycle according to the following description Wet cleaning procedure.
Figure 24: Procedure Wet cleaning of turbine and nozzle ring
The prerequisites and the operating state must be fulfilled prior to cleaning.
Make sure that the water supply (01) is connected, switched on and safeguarded.