Operation Manual / 4 Product description / TPS44-H.. - TPS52-H..
© Copyright 2017 ABB. All rights reserved.
Revision E
July 2017
Fig. 1: Layout and function of the turbocharger ...... 4
Fig. 2: Position of the rating plate ............................... 5
Fig. 3: Warning plates on the turbocharger .............. 6
Fig. 4: Turbocharger transport..................................... 7
Fig. 5: Removing the turbocharger ............................. 9
Fig. 6: Inserting O-rings into bracket ........................ 10
Fig. 7: Inserting threaded rods into the bracket ..... 11
Fig. 8: Requirements for threaded rods ................... 11
Fig. 9: Placing the turbocharger on the bracket ..... 12
Fig. 11: Fitting the speed sensor ................................ 22
Fig. 12: Noise insulation, bellows .............................. 24
Fig. 13: Cleaning the filter silencer ............................. 31
Fig. 16: Soaking contamination of the turbine....... 36
Fig. 17: Overview of assemblies................................. 50
Fig. 18: Removing the gas outlet casing ................... 51
Fig. 19: Removing the air inlets.................................. 52
Fig. 20: Removing the compressor casing (1/2) .... 53
Fig. 21: Removing the compressor casing (2/2)..... 54
Fig. 22: Do not loosen screw plugs ........................... 55
Fig. 23: Removing the cartridge group (1)............... 56
Fig. 24: Removing cartridge group 2 ......................... 57
Fig. 26: Removing the nozzle ring ............................. 58
Fig. 27: Measuring clearance A and B ....................... 59
Fig. 28: Measuring nozzle ring compression .......... 60
Fig. 29: Fitting the diffuser.......................................... 61
Fig. 31: Fitting the cartridge group............................ 63
Fig. 32: Installing the nozzle ring ................................ 64
Fig. 33: Fitting the turbine casing .............................. 65
Fig. 34: Rotating the turbocharger ............................ 66
Fig. 35: Measuring clearances N and R ...................... 67
Fig. 36: Fitting the gas outlet casing......................... 68
Fig. 37: Installing the air inlets .................................... 69
Fig. 38: Overview of tightening torques ................... 70