Operation Manual / TPL65-A32 / -A33 / -A36 + TPL69-A32 / -A33
10 Mothballing the turbocharger / 10.2 Taking the engine out of oper-
ation for more than 12 months
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December 2020
10.2 Taking the engine out of operation for more
than 12 months
If the engine is taken out of operation, the following variants are pos-
sible with regard to the turbocharger:
The turbocharger remains mounted on the engine.
The turbocharger casing remains mounted on the engine, but the ro-
tor and the bearing parts are removed and stored separately by an
ABB Turbocharging Service Station.
The turbocharger is removed completely, either as a whole or in indi-
vidual parts.
See the section Taking out of operation for up to 12 months, under
Mothballing measures, for the measures always necessary when moth-
balling turbocharger parts.
If the turbocharger remains mounted on the engine, refer to the section
Taking out of operation for up to 12 months, under Rotor turning in
stack draught.
If the entire turbocharger is removed, or if the turbocharger is re-as-
sembled from the individual components thereof:
Close all turbocharger openings using wooden covers and paraffin
Only dry rooms with 40 ... 70 % atmospheric humidity, in which no water
condensation can form, are suitable as storage locations.
Condition of the mothballed turbocharger
Check the mothballed turbocharger parts for corrosion once per an-
If there are signs of rust: Clean parts thoroughly and renew protection
against corrosion.