KNX Technical Reference Manual
-KNX Millenium
Description of applications /
KNX Technical Reference Manual | 1473-1-8681
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Pos: 31.11.24 /DinA-4 -- Online/Applikations- / Parameterbeschreibungen -- (KNX)/Kommunikationsobjekte/Objekt-RTR / RTR/Module/Grundlast @ 41\mod_1422461616973_15.docx @ 330006 @ 3 @ 1
Basic load
Object function
Data type
Basic load
Input / output
This object uses the value 1 to activate a parameterized base load, i.e. a minimum control value
greater than zero. The value 0 deactivates the base load. When the base load is deactivated,
the control value can be lowered all the way to zero if necessary when the setpoint temperature
is reached, despite the minimum value set in the parameter.
Deactivating the basic load for a floor heating system is always useful in the
summer, since it saves heating energy.
Pos: 31.11.25 /DinA-4 -- Online/Applikations- / Parameterbeschreibungen -- (KNX)/Kommunikationsobjekte/Objekt-RTR / RTR/Module/Umschaltung Heizen/Kühlen @ 41\mod_1422461683726_15.docx @ 330022 @ 3 @ 1
Switchover heating/cooling
Object function
Data type
Switchover heating/cooling
Input / output
1. Automatic: If the switchover between heating and cooling is performed automatically by the
room temperature controller, then this object is used to provide information on the current
heating (0) or cooling (1) status to the KNX bus. It is a transmitting object.
2. Only via object: The switchover between heating and cooling on the room temperature
controller occurs solely via this 1-bit communication object. The value (0) activates the
heating mode, and the value (1) activates the cooling mode. This is a receiving object.
3. Manual or via object: The switchover between heating and cooling on the room temperature
controller occurs by user interaction or via the 1-bit communication object. The information
on the respective heating (0) or cooling (1) status is available to the KNX bus. This is a
receiving and sending object.
Pos: 31.11.26 /System+++++++++++++ Seitenu++++++++++++++ @ 41\mod_1422789416992_0.docx @ 333487 @ @ 1