ABB i-bus® KNX
Class B:
Measured-value deviations of ± 0.8 °C at 100 °C are permissible.
Summer compensation
Summer compensation – background and use
"To save energy and to keep the temperature difference within comfortable limits when an air-condi-
tioned building is entered, the room temperature should be increased based on the outdoor tempera-
ture during the summer. This is known as summer compensation." (DIN 1946)
Summer compensation increases the setpoint for the operating mode
Comfort cooling
Increasing the setpoint prevents the difference between the outdoor temperature and room tempera-
ture from becoming too large. Cooling is reduced or stopped entirely to reach the setpoint.
Summer compensation requires an outdoor temperature sensor. The room thermostat evaluates the
measured temperature value.
Summer compensation – technical implementation
The following parameters must be set for summer compensation:
Starting temperature for summer compensation
Ending temperature for summer compensation
Setpoint temperature offset when summer compensation starts
Setpoint temperature offset when summer compensation ends
The starting temperature and ending temperature define the range in which dynamic setpoint correc-
tion occurs. Incremental adaptation within the range can additionally be adjusted by the offset values.
Above the ending temperature, the difference between room temperature and outdoor temperature cor-
responds to the offset configured when summer compensation ends.
When summer compensation is active, dynamic adaptation begins when the starting temperature is ex-
The following example shows dynamic adaptation of the setpoint as the outdoor temperature increases:
• Setpoint temperature: 21 °C
• Starting temperature for summer compensation: 21 °C
• Setpoint temperature offset when summer compensation starts: 00.0 °C
• Ending temperature for summer compensation: 32.0 °C
• Setpoint temperature offset when summer compensation ends: see figure
Product manual | EN-US | VC/S 4.x.1 | 2CDC508220D0211 Rev. B
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