ABB i-bus® KNX
Fig. 31: Dynamic setpoint adjustment
Above the starting temperature, the setpoint temperature is increased according to the selected values
until the selected ending temperature is reached. When the ending temperature is reached, the differ-
ence between room temperature and outdoor temperature corresponds to the selected offset when
summer compensation ends. If the outdoor temperature continues to increase, the setpoint tempera-
ture is increased uniformly.
Valve drives
Magnetic/Thermoelectric 2-point Valve Drives
The valve can only be completely opened (100 %) or completely closed (0 %) with 2-point valve drives.
The valve position is activated via 2-point control (open-close signal) for a magnetic valve drive or pulse
width modulation (PWM) for a Thermoelectric Valve Drive.
Thermoelectric 2-point Valve Drives are adjusted by the thermal expansion of a material caused by a flow
of electric current.
2-point valve drives are available in the following variants:
• Normally closed: The valve is closed if no current flows through the valve drive. The valve is opened if
current flows through the valve drive.
• Normally open: The valve is opened if no current flows through the valve drive. The valve is closed if
current flows through the valve drive.
Motor-driven 3-point valve drives
The valve positions between 0 % and 100 % are adopted using a motor in 3-point valve drives. A 3-point
valve drive is connected to both device valve outputs. The open signal is output on valve output A, the
close signal on valve output B. The valve position is activated directly based on the control value, usually
in the form of continuous control.
Product manual | EN-US | VC/S 4.x.1 | 2CDC508220D0211 Rev. B
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