2 Installation and commissioning
2.9.2. Commissioning (Foundry Prime)
3HAC026876-001 Revision: F
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2.9.2. Commissioning (Foundry Prime)
The following should be taken in consideration when running a robot in a water jet
application cell:
Never switch off the overpressure in motors and serial measurement compartment during
cooling down of robot after it has been switched off.
To reduce the risk for corrosion due to condensation in gearboxes, it is recommendable that
the robot is running with high speed on each axes at least on one occasion each hour. This is
to lubricate the gearbox cavities.
When turning off a cleaning cell we recommend that the humid air is ventilated out from the
cell, to avoid that the humid air is sucked into gearboxes for example, due to the raised
vacuum when cooled down.