Special Alarm settings:
Please consult ABB OY, KPM before using this.
KPM KB2 can detect break also in situations where ambient light level is very high.
This special application may be used for example in case, where KPM KB2 is installed very close
to an IR-dryer, which causes too high ambient light (over 80 %). It is possible to eliminate too high
ambient light giving alarm.
Instead of alarm, high ambient light can be selected to mean Paper or Break.
First choose in Alarm settings Ambient light: Not in use, and then High ambient light: Paper
or Break.
There is available an optional blue filter and shadow tube to prevent high ambient light alarm in
IR-dryer installation.
Fig. 4.8. Special alarm menu.
Measurement config(uration):
This section determines detection speed (Detect filter),
measurement intervall (cycle), light emission intensity and detector sensitivity.
Fig. 4.9. Measurement settings.
Detect filter:
Set number of measurement cycles for break determination, default 3. Number 3
means that 3 consecutive measurements are all below detection limits before break relay is
Meas. cycle:
Set the measurement cycle time, default 20 ms. Can be between 10 and 60 ms.
Tx Power:
Select light source intensity, High/Normal. High can be chosen when the measurement
distance is high, for example over 20 cm.
Rx Gain:
Detector gain
normally 1 (selectable 4.0, 3.5, 3.0, 2.5, 2.0, 1.5, 1.0, 0.5). Effects directly
on signal level. Can be adjusted lower if ambient light is too high (over 60 %).