M AG N E TOS T R I C T I V E L E V EL T R A N SM I T T ER | O I/L M T 10 0/ 2 0 0 - EN R E V. B
The PV Units option allows the user to select the unit of
measure for the process variable of the unit and provide a basis
for all of the setup functions Selectable engineering units
include: inches, feet, meters, centimeters and millimeters
The PV LRV stands for the lower range value and is a value in
engineering units that determines at which measured value the
LMT Series transmitters generate an output Traditionally, this
is referred to as the zero point From the factory, the PV LRV is
set to 0 00 inches
The PV URV is the upper range value in engineering units which
signifies what measured value the LMT Series transmitter will
generate as an output This is generally known as the span
PV Damping Time
Damping is a setting designed to delay the output response to
a change in the measured level If the process is agitated or
splashing of the liquid is a possibility, a higher damping value
may be required If the process changes rapidly, a lower
damping value may be needed to improve the response time to
a level change The highest damping allowable is 60 seconds
Display 1 Line1 View
The display line can be set to Level, Distance/Ullage and
Interface if the device is configured for two levels The graph
can be set to display % span or % mA value
The tag parameters is the final step in Easy Setup It simply
allows the operator to add the device tag or another memo in
the device tag menu