Connectivity packages
A connectivity package is a software component that enables PCM600 or other ABB
tools to communicate with an IED. It includes all the data used to describe the IED, for
example, a list of the existing parameters, the data format used, the units, the setting
range, the access rights and visibility of the parameter.
Connectivity packages are downloaded via PCM600 Update Manager, and their
content depends on the functions supported by the IED.
Tool components in connectivity packages
Two types of tools are available for performing tasks and functions in a PCM600
PCM600 tools
IED specific tools included in the connectivity packages
The PCM600 tool documentation is included in the PCM600 online help. The IED
specific tool documentation is included in the related IED documentation.
Some features and functions are product-specific and not available for
all the products.
PCM600 and IED connectivity package compatibility
It is recommended to use the latest version of PCM600 and the latest version of the
connectivity package available in Update Manager. More information on the
compatibility between the versions of the IED, connectivity package and PCM600 is
found in the IED documentation.
Section 2
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Getting Started Guide